Thursday, November 20, 2008

A long time coming

Grant likes my hair long. I promised him a while back that I would grow it long for a while. That was maybe 2 1/2 years ago.

That seems like plenty of time had passed. I warned him on Sunday that I had made up my mind, and that I wasn't sure when it would be, but it would be soon, so he should just come to terms with it. "Soon" probably came a lot quicker than he thought, because yesterday when he came home from work, he seemed kind of shocked.


  1. Love it! You look amazing both ways. I totally think it's a waste of time to dry my hair for 20 min in the morning. I'm just not a teenager anymore, I have things to do all day.
    You look great, as always, we miss you guys, Jazzy

  2. looking good! i think he should grow his hair for 2 years next...

  3. Oooh, I love it! I agree with Jasmine though, I've never seen you with a bad haircut!

  4. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Love it. Very cute!

  5. It looks really good!

  6. It looks great! I think it's really ironic that our boys want our hair long when they can only let theirs grow, like, millimeters. :o) If we could switch with them for just ONE day and they would have to do ALL the hair maintenance? They'd never ask us to grow it long again! :o)
    It's a lovely cut, for sure.

  7. Inspiration! I love it!

  8. I love it...I think we shared a brain last week because that is what I did as well...along with the how do you like it blog post!

  9. super cute! not too short at all!

  10. Love the hair! Of course, I am in favor of short hair, but yours always looks fabulous. I am waiting for Kate to grow some hair that I can play with, but so far, she just has a baby mullet. :)

  11. Looking good like always. I think it's a cute cut and not too short at all.

  12. Anonymous5:56 AM

    I really like this, babe! It is very becoming. I have to agree with everyone else, you have great hair and it always looks good! Good decision!
