Sunday, November 02, 2008

An Update

We had Ryan's memorial service, and it was great. Everyone who spoke, the message given by the pastor, the turnout of everyone - it was really an incredible thing! We still can't believe that he's gone, and we're still having a hard time understanding why (medically). But, we do know that God is in control, and He does have a plan for this, even if we don't know what it is.

It was such a special treat to have Pinky and Susan from Albuquerque come. Since Pinky just went through this a little over a year ago with the passing of Brent, she was especially an encouragement to all of us.

Once we get home, I'll post some pictures of our time here. Speaking of that - for those who are wondering when we're getting home, we think we'll be here until next weekend.

Please continue to pray for us, as the reality of this whole situation really sinks in.


  1. Anonymous7:59 PM

    We'll continue to be praying for you all.

    The Baileys

  2. I was thinking about you guys on Thursday and hoping that everything went well. How amazing that Pinky and Susan came!

  3. Anonymous5:06 AM

    You have continuted to be in my thoughts and prayers. Again, I am so very sorry for your loss.

  4. just wanted to let you know that everyone at Branch is praying for your family. Let us know if you need anything....Michelle
