I know it's been a while since I've posted, so I thought I'd just give a general update.
Things have been great! We had a fun 4th of July - I just wish it had been on a weekend, because I definitely did not want to go back to work on Thursday.
We got a "new" couch - more on that later.
I'm about in my 17th week of pregnancy - it's flying by! Yesterday and today are the first days in a long time where I have felt really good. We have an ultrasound scheduled for July 27th, so we'll hopefully find out the sex of our little bambino. We are making progress on the names, but we'll focus more once we find out what we're having. It's too overwhelming to go through boys and girls names right now. I've said it before, but I really do respect those couples who choose to not find out the sex, because they have way more patience than I do. I don't know how they did it! We're dying to know.
A couple of weeks ago for my birthday, Grant surprised me by buying a plane ticket for me to go home to Pensacola in October. I couldn't have been happier!! I've really been wanting to get back there for a while, but like Jessie said on Saved By the Bell, "there's never any time," or money, for that matter. So I can't wait to go.
I ordered a headband from
Tink's etsy shop, and I'm pretty excited about it! She has some really cute stuff in her shop, so you should
check it out. Unless you're a guy...you probably wouldn't care too much about it. Unless you're into purses and headbands, then it's right up your alley!
That's about it, I think. I'll try to do better with my updating.