Friday, November 16, 2007


This is my last day of work! I'm very excited about it. It's a strange feeling, though. I've been working since I was about 14 years old, and I've had a lot of very interesting, sometimes strange jobs ranging from working as a puppeteer at the local mall, working at CiCi's Pizza (Hey...Welcome to CiCi's!), working food service at a college during my summers as a high school student, working at the front desk of a hotel, working at a clothing store at the mall, working at a law firm, working at Coca Cola, and now working at an environmental engineering company.

Now it's all over, and soon I'll start a different kind of work.


  1. ANd you are so ready for this new job - you are going to be a wonderful mother and you are going to love your new job (even if it does have its stresses from time to time) - the good news is that the learning curve is incredibly huge!!!!

  2. Congratulations! Enjoy the few quiet weeks before your new job really starts! We're so excited for you!

  3. Welcome to the wonderful world of stay at home mommies! I can't wait until you guys move to LA and we can have mommy play dates.

  4. Staying home is great! It's hard sometimes but so worth it.
