Tuesday, April 01, 2008

California - here we come!

Well, not quite yet. The movers come Wednesday and Thursday. Then we hit the road on Friday. We'll make it to Albuquerque on Sunday, and stay until Thursday (thanks Pinky!). Then to Arizona. And finally, Cali on Friday.

I think it's going to be a really fun trip. And of course, we're so looking forward to seeing our friends in the ABQ again!

Since we have 2 cars, and have to get them both out there, my mom is coming up here to help me with the drive. I'm really looking forward to that time that we'll get to spend together.

So, this means that I'll not be around a computer that much until we get into a house - and who knows when that will be. We'll be in temporary housing until we find something. We're hoping for base housing, but haven't ruled out non-base housing - if we can find something we can afford.

Lots of changes coming up, so I'll try my best to keep everyone updated.


  1. Congrats, how exciting! Best of luck. I can't imagine that long of a drive.

  2. How exciting!! Andy and I have been saying the last year or so that we ought to go to CA for a vacation, but then I tell him we should wait for Grant and Kelly to move so we could visit you while we are there! So hopefully we will get to visit you in the future!!

  3. I've been waiting for this blog post for 18 months, and it's finally here! We'll have to have a Joey/Kendall playdate soon!

  4. jenn, you and andy have an open invitation to come visit - and you have a place to stay!

    megan, can't wait to see you guys!! we'll have to get together soon.

  5. The Starbucks by our house has free wireless access...and you can always just come over and use our computer ANY time you get the itch! Can't wait! Hope you guys have a safe trip.
