Things have been going really well with two! I've been really suprised and blessed. Don't get me wrong - we've had some moments. Like the time I took both girls to Trader Joe's. It went so well there, that I thought I could make a trip to Target also. That was too much. Once we were finished, I was trying to leave the store, but Kendall wanted to sit in the chairs at the Starbucks. I figured instead of having her throw a fit about not being able to sit in the chairs, we'd go sit there for a few minutes.
She ended up hitting her head on a table, which started a screaming fit. Which started Cameron screaming, too. Cameron was in the Moby, but I ended up having to pick Kendall up and carry her on my hip out of the store, because she refused to walk. You should've seen all the sympathetic gazes I was getting. I became "that mom."
But really, those incidents are few and far between. I've been blessed with two little sweeties, and I love it.
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