So, I'm just about 12 weeks along now. This time around (also with Kendall), I didn't think I was pregnant.
I had taken a pregnancy test on either a Tuesday or Wednesday, and it came back negative. No big deal. Well, I went to a doctor the Friday after that to talk about some things that were going on with me, and he said he wanted me to take a blood test to see if I was pregnant, because I might be. I have to say, I was a little annoyed that he was saying this. I really wanted to be pregnant, but after getting that negative just days before, I knew I wasn't, and here he was getting my hopes up.
I went to the lab to get the blood test done. This was around 9 something that morning. They said the results would be back within an hour. The doctor had already told me that if it was positive, they would call me right away and let me know. If it was negative, they won't be in such a hurry to call.
Well, around 10:30 or so, I called the lab, and left a message telling them to call me with the results. I didn't hear anything the rest of that day. I figured that meant it was negative.
Monday morning around 8:30, I get a call from the base. She asked what kind of lab work I had done, and I told her. Then she said, "Well, it came back positive!" I'm pretty sure my first words were "Are you sure?" But I can't really remember, it's kind of all a blur to me. All I know is I was hysterically laughing and crying at the same time, to the point where she was like, "Um, is this a good thing?" To which I enthusiastically said, YES!!!
I was still a little hesitant believing it all until my first appointment, and I saw the litte, itty-bitty bean (to which Kendall either said "ball" or "baby." It's kind of the same word for her, but I like to think she's a genius, and she realized that it was, in fact, a baby).
And with how sick I've been lately, there's really no denying it. Yuck! I was pretty sick with Kendall, but I've been even more sick this time around. Hopefully that will ease up soon.