Thursday, December 06, 2007

Got Snow?

Yesterday, it snowed almost all day. I have to say, it was a great feeling not having to go out and drive in it, like I had to last winter for work. I might actually be able to enjoy this winter because of that reason! Anyways, it was really pretty, and Grant and I just had a lazy day - watching Arrested Development, doing laundry, taking a nap, etc. It was great!


  1. Grant looks a little overly relaxed in that second photo. Sounds like a great day. Especially the Arrested Development. That's a favorite lazy day activity in our home, as well.

  2. Anonymous9:11 AM

    grant takes the best photos.

  3. just wondering if you ever made it very far sticking your hand in the home made ice cream ice bucket!!! Did you ever do that????

  4. We're only dreaming of a white Christmas. It rained all day yesterday.

    So a little colder would be nicer. However, seeing how long you can keep your hand in the ice cream bucket is really not a fun game.

  5. I think your nest post should be called: "Got baby?"

  6. I agree with mrs j, everytime a check your blog the first thing that pops in my head is "Got Baby?"

  7. Anonymous4:10 AM

    As usual, Grant's unique personality stands out! Only he would do this for a picture. Very cute, we got a big chuckle! Your dad said he wishes we could bring a bucket of sunshine when we come!
