Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I just watched this video probably fifty times or so while I was editing it, and I swear, every single time, I got tears in my eyes. I'm so glad I took more video than pictures, because I will love to go back and look at this years from now - to hear the words, the voices, the laughter...those are things that pictures can't capture (and I totally didn't mean to rhyme).

I love my girls.

I love my husband.

I love my life.

Mother's Day 2010 from Kelly Spear on Vimeo.


  1. Awww, that was so sweet. :)

  2. So precious, I love it! We are so blessed to have all of you-my Mother's Day was so special because I have the 3 best "kids" God could ever give anyone! And the 4 best grandkids!!! This is a fabulous video, I love how Kendall kisses Cam every time she kissed you. The sweetest!

  3. J. Spear3:54 AM

    Great video. Happy Mother's Day, Kelly!

  4. i can't stand it when kendall says happy mother's day. too cute. she sure is spunky! LOL!
