Friday, March 28, 2008


I've always liked the word "commencement." It's usually associated with graduating - which is the end of something - but it means the beginning of something. Yesterday, Grant graduated from AFIT, but we're about to begin the next stage of our lives in California.


  1. congrats to your man! :) I MUST come visit you in Cali. I keep saying I need to go out there, and then I never do.

  2. well, you know the marko's are out there, too, so you could see all of us! and you would have a place to stay if you did (with us, not with them. i wouldn't do that to you).

  3. Congrats to yo_mama.

  4. Nice work, yo_mama!

    Now you can focus on the truly important things... like working on your offensive back-hand block and the shake-hand grip. Only then will you be able to beat me.

    Looking forward to seeing you guys soon!

  5. Woo-hoo! Can't wait to see you in California soon! Let us know when you get here! I can't wait to see you guys and meet Kendall!

  6. Anonymous10:06 AM


    and btw kelly, i bought that exact dress at target for 5 dollars yesterday, i was stoked.

  7. $5?! I thought I got it at a good deal when it was $12!
