Monday, December 15, 2008

Photo Challenge - Day 15

We finally put the child-proof do-hickeys on the cabinets. Now she's moved on to something else.


  1. stuff to look forward to...I am really trying to enjoy this commando crawling stage....i am so sorry we haven't been able to do dinner yet. December has been busy. My sister is coming to visit for 2 weeks from Australia so that makes things more busy! Hope you are enjoying the month. Random information: if you want to check out some really cool Christmas lights, head over to the neighborhood over by South High School in Torrance. It is in the neighborhood where Pastor P lives. Let me know if you are interested and I can send you exact directions. My email is care!!

  2. You guys have knobs! Awesome. We just taught Collin to shut every drawer or cupboard he saw open...saved on childproofing. Cool, except that he never lets you into a cupboard without trying to slam it shut on you!

  3. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Pretty clever of her, I say--it's the engineering genes kicking in!

  4. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Hope to meet Kendall the end of January when I'm in the neighborhood visiting Mookie (and her mom & dad). Can't wait for Mookie to start doing the things Kendall does.

    Melissa's mom

  5. I'm looking forward to meeting you, too!
