Friday, January 09, 2009

Happy New Year....9 Days Ago

Okay, so per my usual style, I'm a little late in saying Happy New Year. But, it is a new year, people, and I for one am no good at keeping New Year's Resolutions. However, there are several things in my life that I'd like to change. One of them is pretty big: I need to be a better wife and a better mom. Okay, maybe that's two things, but you get the drift.

Something that's really been missing in my life is daily devotions. I know that giving God more attention in my day-to-day life will really help me in my efforts of being a better wife and mother. I've never really done a great job in devotions - and I've been a Christian a long time! This is not something I'm proud of, but in blogging about it, I'm hoping that will keep me a little more accountable.

So, this year, I'm really going to make a great effort into doing devotions. I found the Reformed Women blog, which might not necessarily be a daily thing, but it's a good place to start. They're also going to be reading through and discussing John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. If you're interested in doing this, you can send an email to By the way, you don't just have to be a woman to do this. Because I also saw it mentioned here. I think it's hosted by Derek Thomas, and alot of blogs are just kind of getting the word out about it.

So anyways, that's my New Year's Resolution, but this one, I'm really hoping to keep.


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    We have one employee and this morning he brought me the devotional, Believing God, Day by Day".Do you think God is trying to tell us both something?

    Melissa's mom

  2. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Forgot to mention the book is by Beth Moore

    Melissa's mom

  3. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Praise the Lord! Don't beat yourself up for not doing it before, many of us (most of all me) have a hard time being consistent with devotions. But I'm glad for your desire to do it!

  4. i just wanted to let you know i'm loving that website!

  5. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I think this is a great website! I'm going to post it on my blog as well.
