Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I LOVE my camera!

I've mentioned on here before that Grant got me snazzy new camera for Christmas. What I haven't mentioned is how obsessed I am with it, and how - almost 3 months after getting it - I still get goose bumps when I take pictures with it. I still don't know alot about it (I'm hoping Tink will come for a visit and give me a tutorial), but I love playing around with it.

Take today's little adventure as an example. We've been having some fantastic weather here lately, and I set up the little sprinkler thing for Kendall to play in today. She had a blast, and I had my camera there to capture her enjoyment. I'll let the photos speak for themselves.

Kendall happened to catch a glimpse of Watley lapping up some water, so she decided to do the same. I was only a little horrified.


  1. Hee hee.
    That's hilarious! Make sure you save that last one in an extra special place for the photo montage at her wedding reception in 27 years! :o)
    Those shots are fabulous! The clarity is just amazing. Those kind of photos make the camera




  2. I can't believe how big she looks--hurry MAY!!!!

  3. tinkerwiththis6:49 PM

    kelly these are amazing. you're using a fast shutter which is why the water looks so cool. i don't think you need my help at all BUT i wouldn't mind a trip to that west coast sunshine!

  4. now you just have to make yourself an awesome strap cover...hint hint ;)

  5. Love the pictures. So jealous you can play in the sprinkler right now!
